Town of Edgartown Norton Point Rules & Regulations for Beach Use & Over Sand Vehicles (OSV)

All applicable Federal and State laws and regulations, town by-laws, town rules and regulations and all fire regulations shall apply and are enforceable.

----------------- GENERAL RULES & REGULATIONS -------------

1. Beach Stickers

●  Effective May 1 to April 30th (of the following year).

●  Norton Point Beach Stickers shall be obtained from the Town of Edgartown.

●  No vehicle shall operate on the beach without a valid Norton Point Beach Sticker.

● All registration stickers are non-transferable and non-refundable and expire April 30 of the following year.
● Stickers shall be adhered to the front and rear driver’s side bumpers of the appropriate vehicle. When possible, the sticker shall be affixed by Beach Staff.

2. Equipment - All vehicles will carry the following at all times:

●Regulations – a current copy of these rules & regulations (Issued at the time of registration)
●Tow Rope – chain, cable or other towing device
●Tire Gauge – low pressure, able to register a minimum of 10 psi.

3. Speed Limit - The speed limit of motor vehicles will not exceed 15 mph. The speed limit in the vicinity of shorebird nests will not exceed 5 mph. Reasonable speed limits will be enforced based on beach conditions.

4. Tire Pressure - Tire pressure shall not exceed 15 psi - no exceptions. You are required to decrease your tire pressure before entering the over-sand trails. There is a deflation area at the Left Fork prior to entering the beach.
Courtesy air stations are in the same area upon departing the beach.
5. Motor Vehicle Operation - The provisions of Chapter 90, Mass General laws shall apply to the operation of all motor vehicles on the beach. (This simply means that if it is required on the road, it is required on the beach).

6. Right of Way - Vehicles leaving the beach shall have the right of way. Use the pull-off sections of the trail to clear the way for vehicles traveling off of the beach.
7. Leave no Trace:
● Each visitor shall remove all property and trash from the beach. Dumpsters are provided at the beach entrance.

●  All pet owners are responsible for removing their animals' waste.

●  Always douse hot coals from grills and extinguish ashes.

●  In the event of an OSV requiring excavation to improve traction, holes are required to be filled.

8. Dogs: Dogs are not permitted on Norton Point Beach
9. Closed Areas:
Areas utilized by listed species (endangered birds & plants) are especially delicate and it is imperative that these areas remain undisturbed. These areas will be designated by symbolic fencing. Vehicles and pedestrians are prohibited in symbolically fenced and signed areas. These areas may be closed for a number of reasons, please ask our Beach Staff or check the Edgartown Parks Department Social Media pages for more information.

10. Parking: No vehicles may park within the OSV corridors.
11. Vehicular Limits: The number of vehicles allowed on the beach will vary based on wildlife regulations, physical conditions and other factors. Please check with Beach Staff for the most up to date information.
12. Fires: NO OPEN FIRES ON ANY BEACH AREAS. Contained cooking fires in grills are permitted. Douse coals and extinguish ashes before leaving and leave absolutely no trace.
13. Large Groups: Groups of more than twenty (20) persons shall be required to check in with Beach Staff. The group shall provide a name and contact mobile number for the group’s point person. This person shall assume responsibility for the activities of all members of the group while on the beach.
14. Fishing: Fishing gear must be kept at water's edge at all times while in the act of fishing. Fishing in MA requires a license, found here:
15. Shell fishing: The Town of Edgartown shellfish regulations pertain to Katama Bay and other waters of Edgartown. Shellfish licenses available here:
16. Prohibited Vehicles: Two-wheeled vehicles, motorcycles, minibikes, mopeds, snowmobiles, ATV's and trailers are prohibited. Airplanes, helicopters and drones are prohibited, except by Beach Staff or authorized personnel and in emergencies .
17. Events: No events are permitted on Norton Point. No amplified music, parties, etc.

------------------ VIOLATIONS ------------------

Penalties for infractions of any of the rules & regulations may result in revocation of registration stickers and dismissal from the beach. Unless otherwise specifically provided herein, any person who violates any of the Norton Point Beach Rules and Regulations for OSV shall be subject to the following penalties:

First Offense: Written warning
Second Offense: Immediate loss of permit

Operation of a motor vehicle on Norton Point Beach in closed areas and off marked trails will result in immediate suspension of beach access and dismissal from Norton Point for a length of time determined by the Edgartown Park Commissioners.


• Operation of a motor vehicle on Norton Point Beach without a valid OSV Permit.

• Operation of a motor vehicle in any closed area

• Failure to air down tires to proper psi.

• Violation to rules and regulations related to dogs. In addition to any other penalties set forth in these regulations, any violation of the dog regulations in closed areas due to shorebirds will result in no less than automatic revocation of the offender's beach permit rights from the date of violation until May 1st of the following year. Subsequent violations will result in the offender's Beach Permit rights being revoked for a period of three (3) full years from the date of the violation.

• Operation of a motor vehicle and not having passengers properly seated within the confines of the vehicle.

• Speeding
• Littering
• Open container(s) of alcohol

• Open fire

An OSV Permit Holder who receives two of any violation of the Rules and Regulations in one season (other than operation of a motor vehicle on Norton Point Beach in closed areas and off marked trails, which is subject to immediate revocation of the OSV permit) shall have their OSV permit revoked and shall not be permitted on the beach for ONE YEAR from the date of revocation of the OSV Permit.

The Town of Edgartown reserves the right to revoke an individual's access to Norton Point for an amount of time determined by the Edgartown Park Commissioners. The length of time will correlate with the severity of the offense that prompts such revocation.Persons whose permits have been suspended or revoked have a right to appeal within seven (7) days to the enforcing authority, who upon receipt of written request shall arrange a hearing before the Edgartown Parks Commissioners.

These Rules & Regulations were adopted at a public hearing of the Edgartown Park Commission dated 2/9/2023. Copies of changes to be posted in Edgartown Town Clerk's Office.

It is the responsibility of the OSV registrant to read and understand the Norton Point Beach Rules & Regulations for OSV. The registrant is responsible for the behavior of the passengers and drivers in their vehicle.

Always remember:

●  Vehicles entering the beach are required to decrease the tire pressure before entering the beach OSV corridor. Low tire pressure is critical for successful over-sand driving. Friction may cause pressure to increase while you drive, making it necessary to stop and reduce pressure again. Failure to air down to 15 psi leads to degradation of the OSV trails.

●  Always check tides before entering the OSV trails. Portions of the beach may be impassable at high tides.

●  If you feel you are in danger of getting stuck, check your tire pressure and let more air out if necessary. Also try backing up in your tracks before moving ahead. Do not spin your tires – this will only cause the vehicle to dig in.

●  Always fill in holes made in the sand by beachgoers or stuck vehicles. This will increase safety for all.

●  Do not speed–experienced beach drivers know that a slow, steady speed and correct tire pressure are more effective than faster speeds.

●  Always be alert for wildlife when driving on the beach–plover chicks may attempt to hide in vehicle tracks when frightened.

●  Never approach an animal, no matter how cute it may appear

●  If a shark is sighted, inform the nearest Lifeguard or Beach Staff

----------------- COMMUNICATIONS ------------------

When reporting an emergency:

1.)  Where are you? (look for the nearest identification post or landmark)

2.)  What happened?

3.)  Who did it happen to?

4.)  What is being done right now?

5.)  How did it happen?

When reporting a violation email or call either 508 627 6145 and leave a message with the following information:
1.) Your contact information

2.) Date & Time
3.) Location/landmark/trail
4.) Vehicle description (license plate, vehicle make/color) 5.) Operator/occupant description
6.) Violation/incident description

Important Contact Numbers for non-emergencies

*** For all emergencies, dial 911 ***

Edgartown Police Department (508) 627 - 4343

Edgartown Parks Department (508) 627 - 6145
Dukes County Communications Center (508) 693 - 1212

------------------ WARNING -----------------

Know your risk when entering the water.

Activities along our South facing beaches carry inherent risks, some of these include:

● Rip Tides
● Shorebreaks & Extreme Surf
● Jellyfish
● Lightning
● Heat, Sunburn & Dehydration

● Sharks

People have been seriously injured and killed along this coastline. Please swim within your ability and use caution.

Call 911 for emergencies

Download the Sharktivity App on your smartphone to receive alerts and report sightings. For more info, and to view the latest research, visit

The Order of Conditions issued to the Town of Edgartown and the County of Dukes County, is hereby incorporated herein and made a part of these rules and regulations.